CLE and Free Legal Aid Directory: Initial training of Paralegals

CLE in cooperation with the Directorate of Primary Legal Aid, during the month of October developed the first trainings for paralegals on the topic:

“Initial training of paralegals engaged at Primary Legal Aid Centers, NGOs and various communities”.

The 5 trainings held on the Zoom platform focused on the following topics:

1) The notion of paralegal; The legal framework and its functions for the benefit of the community (October 6)

2) Legal aid guaranteed by the state, the innovations of law no. 111/2017 (October 11)

3) Legal framework for the protection of special categories of beneficiaries of legal aid (October 13)

4) The right to information and the way of drafting official documents (October 18)

5) Understanding mediation, alternative dispute resolution (October 20)

The participants had the opportunity to follow the presentations prepared by the trainers and then direct questions about concrete issues from their daily lives and about any ambiguity of theirs.

This training cycle was followed by a series of visits to the Primary Legal Aid Centers where the participants had the opportunity to get to know the work of these centers closely.

This activity is among the first training in the country for the qualification of individuals in the paralegal profession, a profession still unregulated in Albanian legislation.

For all those interested, the training materials are available here.

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