Zall-Gjocaj, Mat: ERE removes the right to produce electricity at HEC Zais to the concessionaire company.

On February 6 2022, the Energy Regulatory Authority approved the amended decision regarding the permit of the concession company for the production of energy at the HPPs in Zall Gjocaj. According to this decision, the company’s right to produce electricity at HEC Zais is revoked, changing the initial decision where the company had permission to produce energy with an installed capacity of 2295 kW for a period of 28 years.

This decision marks the implementation of the decision of the Supreme Court, which in November 2022, after a legal process followed by CLE lawyers for the protection of the Zall-Gjocaj park from the construction of hydropower plants, decided to revoke the license of the concessionaire company for the production of energy for Hec in Zais. After the decision by the Court comes the change in the permit issued by ERE for the production of electricity by this company.

Zall – Gjocaj Park is endangered by the construction of two HPPs, HPP Zais and HPP Seke. Both of these hydropower plants were built causing damage to the surrounding environment and in the original plan they had the right to produce energy with a total installed capacity of 14,962 kW. The change of ERE comes after the court’s decision to ban the production of energy from HEC Zais, while HEC Seke continues to have the permit for the production of energy with an installed capacity of 12,667.

You can read more about this issue and its continuation here.

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